Despite my best judgment (it’s a morbid fascination I need to work on, I know) I let myself be drawn into an entry about Lamb and Lynx. They are 13 year old girls, blonde, cute, Californian and have been singing since the age of 9… Their pop duo is called Prussian Blue are by all accounts the new Olsen twins, only not as clean-living and cheerful and light-hearted. They are very popular too. Especially with the Ku Klux Klan to whom they endeared themselves by making Sieg Heil salutes, singing at rallies, dedicating songs to Rudolf Hess and generally being complete racists.
"We are proud of being white. We want our people to stay white we don't want to just be, you know, a big muddle. We just want to preserve our race."Such comments have secured them a record deal with the white supremacist label Resistance Records who also has bands with names such as Angry Aryans under contract. Charming.
To give you an idea of what we’re talking about here, their DVD is called “PRUSSIAN BLUE - Blonde Hair Blue Eyes”, links on their website include Women for Aryan Unity and here is a sample of song titles on their album: The Road to Valhalla (they are so proud of their Aryan ancestry that they can't even spell it properly) and Aryan Man Awake. For inspiring lyrics, you can go here. Oh, and they write some of their own songs. Mummy must be so proud.
For more on this, read this ABC News article…
Categories: Prussian Blue; white supremacy; music; Nazi
wow. very enlightening. I'm part native-American Indian. my grandmother actually looked Indian, but I don't at all. in the big perspective of things there are only a hand full of full-blood Cherokees left. if things keep going the way they are the group will die out completely (well, not die, just be mixed in.) I think that's kind of sad. so I can under stand the basic idea of "wanting to preserve your heritage", but in no way can I support spreading hate. it is wrong and just plain dangerous.
Didn't Louis Theroux feature these two in a program a year or two back about American Nazis?
Looks like you are right, EWI! I found this recap of the programme.
It's very enlightening and an interesting read...
Prussian Blue Blog
Dresden's Blog
Prussian Blue Website
Prussian Blue Forums
Jerry's Prussian Blue Page
Is not America great when multi-culturalism and diversity applies to the white race now in America? These beautiful girls with their pretty blue eyes are darling and I wish them much success. I hope that they stay with their style of singing folk songs, and never stray down the path that Britney and Madonna did! God Bless America! The white race has a place in this grand melting put of diversity again.
I'm not quite sure what to say to that apart from the fact that I find it very brave of you to post under anonymous to air views which are rather contrary to mine and therefore preventing any sort of debate on the issue.
As for the links, I provided some already in my blog entry and would like to point out that I do NOT wish to advertise the Nazi twins. I will however leave the links up, in the name of freedom of expression and all that.
Poor girls. I'm sure they can't realize the real meaning behing all this.
I just wrote about this rubbish too. Thing is, we can't hate THEM. They're clearly being indoctrinated with so much racist crap, I doubt they even know what it means.
Did you ever hear the story of the woman who sued Aryan Nation and was awarded their entire headquarters complex? It's a beautiful story of justice. The woman had the misfortune of driving past the complex with her son one night on the way home from a wedding. Some drunken nazis who were on "guard duty" got into a pickup truck and chased them for several miles, shooting at them until they pulled their car over. The nazis hit them until she convinced them she was white and not native american, although she is part native american. The woman decided to sue, and the judge gave her the complex, which covered acres and acres of land and was set up like a concentration camp. She sold it to a rich guy who bulldozed it and set up a peace park. The best part is that it fractionalized Aryan Nation to the point where the group is now imploding. Pure justice.
These sick brats are simply getting their fifteen minutes, and hopefully they'll get enough hate directed their way as a result of the publicity to make them think. I hope it's not too late to reverse their brainwashing.
Hello! I've referenced your post within one on my blog! Check HERE to read "Lynx & Lamb: Prussian Blue."
I'm sorry that you'll scream if you come across my blog again! Don't take life so seriously, it's just all in good fun. (BTW - I just made a movie coming out this fall - I shot it in SLIGO... I see that you are from Ireland.) -- Because you see my site so often, it got me to come to your site... and maybe I'll spread the word about your site... so there is always another way to look at things.
Tanya & Jim, I do wish you the best of luck in your endeavour and I hope you do get selected to take part in Fear Factor. I command you for using blogs as a way to increase your visibility and notoriety and generally create a lot of publicity around your application. My only problem was that given the number of blogs registered out there, the odds of coming across your blog more than once a day should be slim enough. However, I came across it 5 times the other day. You have put a fantastic PR machine in place and i can only congratulate you for that. Maybe the problem's mine: I bogsurf too much... :-)
Hope you enjoyed Ireland!
Lamb and Lynx, one was unsurprised to hear, are home-schooled.
Lemme guess. They don't believe in Evolution, either, having never been exposed to a reputable science text.
Just like 55% of Americans who believe that God created humans in present form... *rolling eyes*
You are using last year's numbers! It's 51% now! Come on, give us some credit. *snicker, snicker, full laughter*
Regardless, only 15% believe that humans evolved and God did not guide the process!
The numbers: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/10/22/opinion/polls/main965223.shtml
It's hard being a minority.
Just like 55% of Americans who believe that God created humans in present form..
What worries me is that only 51% voted for Bush. So who are the 4% Creationists who voted for a Liberal Antichrist in the 2004 Election?
i think it would be very funny to see them have sex with a black man
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